..:: Broadband Jargon Buster
By now you should of heard about
Broadband. So what do all these silly acronyms mean?
Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line - ADSL is a technology that transforms a standard
twisted pair of copper wires telephone line into a high-speed always on, internet
connection capable of simultaneously carrying voice and data. It is termed 'asymmetric'
because data moves in one direction faster than in the other i.e. data is transmitted
faster from the exchange to you rather than from your premises to the exchange.
The capacity of your internet connection to transmit and receive data. Bandwidth
is usually measured in bits-per-second. Imagine your internet connection is
a pipe, the bigger the pipe, the faster the information will flow.
A generic term for high speed digital internet connections. Click
here for more information.
Contention Ratio
This describes the maximum number of users sharing the bandwidth on the connection
between your local exchange and the Internet Service Provider.. A customer with
a contention ratio of 20:1 never has to share this bandwidth with more than
19 other users
IP address
Stands for Internet Protocol address, the host computer assigned to you by your
Internet Service Provider when you make a connection. A static IP address means
your ISP permanently assigns your connection to a particular host computer.
IP addresses are numeric, you may have noticed them occasionally in the address
bar of your browser. For example, is better known as www.broadband4lhanbryde.co.uk
An internet service called DNS (Domain Name System/Service) translates the request
for www.broadband4lhanbryde.co.uk into the corresponding IP address.
Rate Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line - A broadband technology which extends
the outer reach of copperwire DSL from 3.5 km to 5.5 km distant from a DSL-enabled
Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line, a broadband variant that signifies equal
or near equal bandwidth up and downstream.
Contact us if you know of any more which should be
added to the list.
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Last updated: 09/11/2023 @ 19:34.10 |