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Alan Addison


Local Broadband News

ADSL Reach Extended (19/08/2004)

 ADSL - Reach to be extended!

Here some news which may interest some of you. Rumours have been goign around for weeks now, but BT finally announced that the reach of ADSL Broadband will be extended on the 6th September 2004! (see official news release here)

What what does this mean exactly? Well for those previously outside the range of ASDL Broadband (unlikely if you are connected to the Lhanbryde exchange it s relativley small area) then you may now, "finally" be able to get your hands on ADSL Broadband! Not only this but for anyone who really wanted faster download speeds than 512k then the reach of 1Mbit connections will also be extended to the current reach of 512k! Great news if you were turned down for 1Mbit in the past!

Note this does not mean you are guranteed a new or faster connection. But there is a very good chance you will be able to make full use of these new limits.

I for one am pleased that I may finally get a 1Mbit connection, and I know a few others who will be too :o)

Thursday 19th August 2004, 19:52 

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