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Alan Addison


Local Broadband News

And End to Pre-Registration (01/05/2004)

 An end to Pre-Registration!!

Should have reported on this earlier in the week.. Sorry!

Well well.. BT made a surprise announcement on the 28th of April 2004, that the pre-registration scheme would be closed.. Permanently! This means that there will be no further registrations beign submitted to BT! There will be a new scheme announced at the end of June 2004 which will allow most of the remaining exchanges to be upgraded by the end of 2005. That target is to bring ADSL Broadband to as near to 100% coverage as possible.

Despite the registration scheme ending, there are still a coupel of loose ends to tie up.

For those with an RFS date (like Lhanbryde) this date still stands, and there is nothign to woryr about. However I would hope to see the Speybay date pulled forward a bit.. A whole 12 months would be nice ;o)

For exchanges which have triggered and are awaiting an RFS date. They will recieve their RFS date within the next 2-3 weeks.

For exchanges with at least 90% of the registrations required to trigger. These will also be given RFS dates in the next 2-3 weeks!

For the rest of the exchanges, the pre-registration scheme is over. But this is not an end to Broadband.. Let's hope the new scheme released later this hear will get the remainign exchanges upgraded soon!


Saturday 1st May 2004, 09:16 

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