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Local Broadband News

Findhorn hit their trigger (28/08/2003)

 Findhorn hit their Trigger!

Earlier today, the Findhorn exchange reached it's trigger of 300.. WELL DONE!!!

There will be a delay of about 3 weeks until BT Wholesale release a Ready for Server (RFS) date for the exchange. My guess for the "Go Live" date will be about Christmas, maybe January. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you getting it by christmas! :-)

Findhorn was the last exchange in Morayshire to have a trigger! So surely Lhanbryde will be next.. We've already reached 150 and Hopeman is not far behind. If neither exchange get's a trigger in the next couple of months some serious questions will need to be asked! :)

P.s. Glad to see the registrations are still coming in.. How about getting to 200 by the middle of September?

Thursday 28 August 2003, 21:22 

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