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Alan Addison


Local Broadband News

Getting There FAST (10/03/2004)

 Gettting there FAST!

It looks as though there is about to be a lot more local exchanges getting Broadband in the up and coming months!. After a recent push from local campaigners backed by HIE and Hi-Wide Ltd. Dufftown has reached it's trigger of 250 and there's more on the way!

  Aberlour - (242/250) - 8 to go!
  Alves - (99/100) - 1 to go!
  Keith - (413/100) - 87 to go!
  Spey Bay - (84/100) - 16 to go!

  Dufftown - Triggered & awaiting RFS date!

  Lhanbryde - Goes Live 26th May 2004!
  Longmorn - Goes Live 6th June 2004!
  Brodie - Goes Live 6th June 2004!

* Results accurate as of 10th March 2004. Click here for latest results.

Wednesday 10 March 2004, 19:05 

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