After recently checking on the BT
Wholesale Broadband site I have noticed an increasing number
of registered Broadband campaigns in Moray. So far there are campaigns
As a result of the incresed number of campaigns
I am starting to put together a website which will cover the whole
of Morayshire. The site (probably similar to this one) will included
areas specific to each Moray exchange, not just those listed above.
For those with active campaigns there will be a specific area for
your own campaing where you can direct people to, so they can register
their interest on their local campaign website.
If any of the local campaigners are insterested
in getting a couple of pages set-up for their campaign and have
any thoughts or suggestions as to what should be included in the
new website please get in touch at:
(* Note: remove the
[nospam] part of the e-mail address before sending )
or you can post your comments on the forum.
News Update: 20th September
The new Moray site is still a long way from being 100% complete,
but it should start appearing at
sometime in the near future. Meanwhile here's a small taster of
what the new site will probably look like.

Any feedback
/ suggestions for the new site are welcomed!