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Alan Addison


Local Broadband News

New BT-Wholesale Campaign (17/06/2003)

 New BT-Wholesale campaign

On monday, BT-Wholesale released their latest campaign package. Unfortuantely they have still not authorised my account, but when they do it will mean new leaflets/posters and even stickers can be ordered to help in the campaigning. There's apparently other things availalble but untill I get access to the site I won't know.. Hurry up BT!

I read somewhere that BT-Wholesale were releasing trigger levels every quarter and this means the next batch of triggers should be announced at the end of the month.. Let's hope Lhanbryde is mentioned..

While we wait for the new campaign material, remember to look at the new campaign section of the site to find out what you can do to help bring Broadband to Lhanybryde!

Wednesday 17 June 2003, 13:07 

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