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Broadband4lhanbryde.co.uk is founded, designed, developed, maintained and marketed by:

Alan Addison


Local Broadband News

We Are Live (26/05/2004)

 We are Live!!

Well the day has finally come. The Lhanbryde exchange is now ready for Broadband!

Fujitsu engineers were spotted working on the exchange last week and everything was set-up and ready to go for the go live day, today!!

If you haven't already placed an order for ADSL Broadband, now is the time to do so! Form today BT will start accepting orders for Broadband if you are connected to the Lhanbryde exchange!

And finally... Thanks again to everyone who has helped out with the campaign over the pas year and registered their interest in Broadband! The hard work has finally paid off.... Now I'm off to see if I can persuade my ISP to put my order through as quicly as possible.. See you on the other side!

Wednesday 26st May 2004, 00:20 

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