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Alan Addison


Local Broadband News

xDSL Distance increased to 6km (24/09/2003)

 xDSL Distance increased to 6km

Today, the theoretical line length for a 512k xDSL service was increased from 5.5km to 6km. This may have meant that the number of registrations would have increased. Unfortunately this didn't happen :( probably because the Lhanbryde exchange doesn't extend out further than about 5km... Never mind.

However, what this does mean that almost everyone on the Lhanbryde exchange will be able to get ADSL Broadband. Being right at the end of the wire heading out to Garmouth (line length 4.9km) the basic test for xDSL Broadband on my line now shows as a definate for a 512k service whereas before it was a maybe.. Woohoo!

So for anyone who hasn't registered because they believe they are too far away, then register now! There is every chance you will be able to recieve Broadband!

P.s. Latest news on triggers is at 'least' another month but hopefulyl by the end of the year.. Argh!

Wednesday 24 September 2003, 13:47 

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